Ungkap Fakta - Berani dan Tajam.

Mbak Ela, dengan segudang pengalaman siap Makmur kan masuk Lampung timur.

GMLNEWSTV.COM - Lampung Timur - Sosok Ela Siti Nuryamah, ternyata orang Desa, sejak tahun 2009 tinggal di kediaman nya Desa Sidorejo Kecamatan Sekampung Udik Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Begitu dikatakan salah seorang aktivis kabupaten itu. Sekampung Udik 18 September 2024 Adalah Amir Faisol saat ini aktif menjadi Ketua Markas Cabang Laskar Merah Putih ( LMP Macab) Lampung Timur.  Menurutnya, Mbak Ela merupakan sosok Ndeso yang mulai meniti karir di dunia politik pada tahun 2009. Hingga masuk ke dalam kancah politik Nasional, menjadi anggota DPR RI periode, 2019-2024. Kepada awak media, saat berada di aula belakang rumah kediaman Mbak Ela, di Desa Sidorejo, Amir Faisol mengatakan, dimana saat ini, kabupaten Lampung timur akan memiliki Bupati muda kelahiran 1983 yang sangat sederhana dan merakyat, dengan memiliki segudang prestasi serta pengalaman. Dari berbagai prestasi tersebut, mbak Ela bertekad akan mewujutkanLampung Timur yang makmur. ,"itu bukan tak beralasan, Sosok

KWRI Way Kanan is Rising Again

GML NEWS TV, Way Kanan- Alhamdulillah, all file management processes went smoothly according to the expected target, and the official district organization of the Indonesian Reform Journalists Committee (KWRI) was re-recognized for its existence on Earth Ramik Ragom.

This was stated by the Chairperson of the DPC KWRI Way Kanan M. Fikri when receiving a Letter of Report on the Existence of the KWRI Way Kanan Organization for the 2021-2024 Period, from the National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol body) Way Kanan, Thursday (25/11/2021).

The handover of the Existence Report Number 2201/20/V.07-WK/2021 dated November 25, 2021, was immediately carried out by the Head of the Kesbangpol Agency Way Kanan Pardi accompanied by the Head of Sub-Division of Mass Organizations Hernani Ena, to the Chairperson of KWRI accompanied by Treasurer Deki Putra.

Added by M Fikri That KWRi in Way Kanan has existed since 2011, when it was chaired by Indra, and continued in 2014-2017 by Azwar Jayadi (Mang Wik) and Kawan Kawan until 2017.

"Based on the Deliberation that took place at the DPD GML INDONESIA BERSATU Way Kanan held on 18/11/2021 then the previous period management unanimously formed a new management with Chairman M Fikri, Secretary Ujang Usman, and Treasurer Deki Putra, and equipped with 10 Bureaus." said the Head of KWRI Way Kanan.

Fikri added that KWRI is not a new organization in Way right, this organization has been formed since the era of the Regent of Tamanuri and the formation of the KWRI DPP in the center shortly after the Reformation in 1999.

"KWRI is not something new in Way Kanan, I only bring together old friends, some of whom have "migrated" to other organizations to return to the Big House of DPC KWRI Way Kanan."

Fikri also thanked the Chairman of the DPD KWRI Lampung Munzir, Secretary Iqbal Panglima and Head of the DPP Ozzy Sudirman Sudiro and Secretary General Micco Kasah who had fully supported the return of the existence of KWRI Way Kanan.

Separately, the Secretary of the DPC KWRI Way Kanan Ujang Usman said that with the completion of the administrative affairs, his party is currently preparing for the Inauguration of the Management.

"We will first coordinate with the Way Kanan Regency Government, the DPD, and the KWRI DPP, to determine the schedule and technical inauguration, and can cooperate and partner with the GML INDONESIA BERSATU DPD." Said Ujang Usman. Which Coincidentally As Chairman of the DPD GML INDONESIA BERSATU.

Although it is not clear regarding the inauguration date, Ujang said that the inauguration will be held at the end of 2021. (uea)



Kejadian Malam Takbiran di bukit kemuning bukan tawuran,melainkan perkelahian dengan pengeroyokan.

Seorang Bandar Sabu di Ringkus Sat Res Narkoba Polres Lampung Utara - GMLNEWSTV.

Terjadi Lagi Ilegal Logging Di Hutan Kawasan Lampung Utara, "Publik Menanyakan Apa Kerja Polhut Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Lampung Utara"

Waspada ! Ada Buaya Besar Berenang Di Sekitar Pantai Kalianda

Polsek Bukit Kemuning Melimpahkan Barang Bukti Perkara Ilegal Logging Polres Lampung Utara

Tentang Ucok Aritonang, Wartawan Senior yang Hari Ini Meninggal Dunia

Warga Pasar Baru Di Gegerkan Penemuan Mayat Gantung Diri Di dalam rumah nya.

Dugaan Tindak Pidana Ilegal Logging Kayu Sonokeling Masih Dalam Proses.

Keseret Ombak warga Karet, kalianda,meninggal Dunia.

Aksi LSM GMBI, AMHLS, Itu Sudah Basi Jangan Intervensi KPK, Hanya Untuk Kepentingan Politik,